Thursday, April 2, 2009

Caserta signs Marmarinos

Caserta announced the signing of greek center Dimitrios Marmarinos(2.05-C) and they announced it via their official website. Marmarinos played very briefly for Caserta last season to help them ascend to the LegaA1 league. This year his goal will be to help them to avoid relegation.

Marmarinos left Paok due to the financial problems of the team after the team's president resigned. He averaged 1.8 points and 1.5 rebounds in 13 games in the A1 greek league..


  1. your article is wrong. Marmarinos left because his bad attitude. He puched Wesson and had a fight with Coach Kalafatakis.

  2. Marmarinos hit Symtsak, not Wesson.

    Wesson had already left at that point, even before Drossos resigned. Perhaps he even knew that Drossos was going to split. He even said that he agreed the deal to play in Paok with Drossos himself.

    Paok then tried to use that hit as a pretense to get rid of his contract for disciplinary reasons. Marmarinos of course is still claiming all 100,000 euros of his contract.

    I hope this clears it up for you..

  3. Marmarinos had argument also with Wesson ask Marmarions...

    You use the problems in the team to say that he left for that reason but this is wrong.

    You did not write anything about the argument Marmarinos had with Kalafatakis.

    Marmarinos vs the coach vs Wesson vs Simtsak

    Players in Italy beaware!!

  4. That incident with Wesson was back in December. Wesson, Gregory, Diarra, Marmarinos and who knows who else..
