Monday, June 27, 2011

End of an era for Olympiacos, the owners are leaving

I bet you weren't expecting that for a Monday afternoon..

The Aggelopouloi brothers announced their departure from Olympiacos via the official website of the team. This might come as a shock to some people but they've hinted on numerous occasions that they're thinking about leaving Olympiacos. This might seem like really bad timing now that in Panathinaikos they're looking for new owners.

They base their decision on a shadowy system that fights them behind the scenes and doesn't let them win the Greek league by controlling the referees. Obviously they bring no evidence to this argument but their departure is nonetheless final. This also seems like a strange timing especially now that the Greek sports betting scandal has erupted in full force so perhaps they're leaving before the shit hits the fan? Who knows..

And what of Olympiacos now and all the overpriced contracts..? the next weeks are going to be quite interesting!

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