Coach galore this week! Egaleo BC have announced that they are releasing coach Thanassis Skourtopoulous from his contract. The announcement was not posted on the team's official site which is currently under construction.
The administration says in the announcement that they've doubled the players' budget since last season according to the wishes of coach Skourtopoulos to replace players in the team but to no avail. They are looking for a replacement head coach. Rumors say that it might be coach Zevgolis. Skourtopoulos has been the head coach of Egaleo in the last 2 seasons and is one of the main reasons that the team has not been relegated to the A2 league. The future is uncertain for Egaleo now..
It seems that he won't stay ouf of work for very long though as the A1 rookie, Trikalla 2000, want to replace coach Christopoulos who didn't manage to produce any results according to novasports.gr.
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