According to championat.ru, Darius Washington(1.88-PG/SG) and Christian Dalmau(1.92-PG/SG) will be released by Ural Great. The press officers of Ural didn't make any comments regarding this but the 2 players were not included in the team's roster for the quarterfinal game of the Russian Cup against Unics Kazan and according to the article, the 2 guards will be released in time.
Washington has so far averaged 11.5 points 2 rebounds and 1.5 assists in 2 games, whereas Dalmau has averaged 9 points 2.4 rebounds and 4.2 assists in 5 games for the Russian Superleague.
I told you Darius Washington will not stay till the end in Russia. This player will be in very very low league soon.
Well first of all who the hell are you to say whether or not he stays or go! To my understanding Ural Great hasn't paid the young men sotherfore they should leave. So what did you tell us you idiot? and if you look at the box scores he is still playing, STOP HATING!!!
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