Friday, July 18, 2008

Granada interested in Uros Slokar

Granada is interested in Uros Slokar(2.09-PF) according to The spanish site makes mention of Granada's interest in Slokar that was playing for Triumph Lyubertsy last season in Russia and that has also played for Toronto Raptors in the past.

The administration of Granada want to pair him with Curtis Borchardt but the offer they made to the player is not enough according to sources around the player's staff. They think that the offer is too low for someone with an NBA background although his career in the NBA was unsuccessful and shortlived due to the player's lack of athletic skills. The slovenian forward wants to wait a bit more in case something better comes up.

He averaged 8.4 points and 4.9 rebounds in 23 games in the russian superleague.