Boisa joines Zadar
Since Zadar is still struggling to qualify for the NLB League Final Four the club's management added another name to the team's roster by signing ex-Union Olimpija's captain Vladimir Boisa(2.07-PF/C) who was playing for the Spanish Menorca since the beginning of the season. Boisa will play already on Friday against FMP as will Marko Car who joined the team on this week and Pavle Marčinković who was returned to the team after being there already during the pre-season.
Helios signed Ivanović
Helios signed a one-month contract with the Serbian center Vuk Ivanović (208, 26) with whom they would like to make the inside line stronger for the decisive games in the NLB League.
Bosna without few players in Split
The last few days were pretty chaotic for Bosna ASA BHT which will obviously travel to the 23rd round game against Split on Saturday with a shortened line-up. Its latest reinforcement Elvir Ovčina, who was signed as one of the key players for the last few months of the season, injured his calf and will be sidelined for at least two months according to the latest diagnosis. Besides that Nikola Vučurović got a flu again and was advices to rest until the middle of the next week while Kemal Avdić broke his nose during the friendly game and Ivan Ivanović injured his back.
source : adriaticbasket.com