Friday, June 18, 2010

Juan Dixon could return to Malaga

Dixon to return to Malaga?

According to, Juan Dixon(1.91-SG) might return to action sooner than expected. The American scorer was found positive in a drug test sample in Greece for nandrolone so Malaga suspended his contract once the information became public. What also happened is that a second sample was sent to Germany as the Greek labs weren't sure if his case qualified as a positive test because the nandrolone amount was on the limit.

Dixon himself said that the substance was there because of a vitamin complex that he used in the USA and it was legal to use there. The article says that in Malaga they're waiting for FIBA's decision on the penalty that will be imposed to Dixon. The penalty could vary between 3-10 months in Dixon's case and it's possible he might be free to join another team in Europe if he wants. In Malaga they haven't forgotten his stelar scoring performance in his first few games where he averaged 18.8 points in just 4 games.

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